1328. Break a Palindrome
- Given a palindromic string of lowercase English letters
, replace exactly one character with any lowercase English letter so that the resulting string is not a palindrome and that it is the lexicographically smallest one possible. - Return the resulting string. If there is no way to replace a character to make it not a palindrome, return an empty string.
- A string
is lexicographically smaller than a stringb
(of the same length) if in the first position wherea
has a character strictly smaller than the corresponding character inb
. For example,"abcc"
is lexicographically smaller than"abcd"
because the first position they differ is at the fourth character, and'c'
is smaller than'd'
Example 1
Input: palindrome = "abccba"
Output: "aaccba"
Explanation: There are many ways to make "abccba" not a palindrome, such as "zbccba", "aaccba", and "abacba".
Of all the ways, "aaccba" is the lexicographically smallest.
Example 2
Input: palindrome = "a"
Output: ""
Explanation: There is no way to replace a single character to make "a" not a palindrome, so return an empty string.
Method 1
【O(n) time | O(n) space】
package Leetcode.Greedy;
* @author zhengxingxing
* @date 2025/03/05
public class BreakAPalindrome {
public static String breakPalindrome(String palindrome) {
// If string length is 1, impossible to break palindrome
if (palindrome.length() <= 1){
return "";
char[] chars = palindrome.toCharArray();
int n = chars.length;
// Check first half of string only due to palindrome property
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
// If character is not 'a', replace with 'a' for lexicographically smallest result
if (chars[i] != 'a'){
chars[i] = 'a';
return new String(chars);
// If all characters in first half are 'a', replace last character with 'b'
chars[n - 1] = 'b';
return new String(chars);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Test case 1: Regular palindrome
String test1 = "abccba";
System.out.println("Test case 1 input: " + test1);
System.out.println("Test case 1 output: " + breakPalindrome(test1));
// Test case 2: Single character
String test2 = "a";
System.out.println("Test case 2 input: " + test2);
System.out.println("Test case 2 output: " + breakPalindrome(test2));
// Test case 3: All 'a' characters
String test3 = "aaaa";
System.out.println("Test case 3 input: " + test3);
System.out.println("Test case 3 output: " + breakPalindrome(test3));
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