350. Intersection of Two Arrays II

  • Given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, return an array of their intersection. Each element in the result must appear as many times as it shows in both arrays and you may return the result in any order.

Example 1

Input: nums1 = [1,2,2,1], nums2 = [2,2]
Output: [2,2]

Example 2

Input: nums1 = [4,9,5], nums2 = [9,4,9,8,4]
Output: [4,9]
Explanation: [9,4] is also accepted.

Method 1

【O(n + m) time | O(min(n, m)) space】
package Leetcode.HashTable;

import java.util.*;

 * @author zhengxingxing
 * @date 2025/01/30
public class IntersectionOfTwoArraysII {
    public static int[] intersect(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) {
        // If nums1 is longer than nums2, swap them to ensure nums1 is the shorter array
        // This optimization helps reduce space complexity by using the shorter array to create HashMap
        // For example:
        // nums1 = [1,2], length = 2
        // nums2 = [1,2,3,4,5,...,1000000], length = 1000000
        // After swap, HashMap only needs to store 2 elements instead of 1000000
        if (nums1.length > nums2.length){
            return intersect(nums2, nums1);

        // Use HashMap to store the frequency of each number in nums1
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        // First loop: Iterate through nums1 and count frequency of each number
        // Time complexity: O(n) where n is length of nums1
        for (int num : nums1) {
            map.put(num, map.getOrDefault(num, 0) + 1);

        // Store intersection results in a dynamic ArrayList
        List<Integer> intersection = new ArrayList<>();
        // Second loop: Iterate through nums2 to find intersections
        // For each number in nums2, check if it exists in HashMap and has remaining count
        // Time complexity: O(m) where m is length of nums2
        for (int num : nums2) {
            int count = map.getOrDefault(num, 0);
            if (count > 0) {
                map.put(num, count - 1);  // Decrease count as we've used this number

        // Convert ArrayList to fixed-size array for return
        int[] result = new int[intersection.size()];
        // Third loop: Convert dynamic ArrayList to static array
        // Time complexity: O(k) where k is size of intersection
        for (int i = 0; i < intersection.size(); i++) {
            result[i] = intersection.get(i);

        return result;

    // Test cases
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Test case 1: Basic test with repeated elements
        int[] nums1 = {1, 2, 2, 1};
        int[] nums2 = {2, 2};
        System.out.println("Test case 1 result: " + Arrays.toString(intersect(nums1, nums2)));

        // Test case 2: Test with different array sizes and multiple occurrences
        int[] nums3 = {4, 9, 5};
        int[] nums4 = {9, 4, 9, 8, 4};
        System.out.println("Test case 2 result: " + Arrays.toString(intersect(nums3, nums4)));

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