2555. Maximize Win From Two Segments
- There are some prizes on the X-axis. You are given an integer array
that is sorted in non-decreasing order, whereprizePositions[i]
is the position of theith
prize. There could be different prizes at the same position on the line. You are also given an integerk
. - You are allowed to select two segments with integer endpoints. The length of each segment must be
. You will collect all prizes whose position falls within at least one of the two selected segments (including the endpoints of the segments). The two selected segments may intersect.- For example if
k = 2
, you can choose segments[1, 3]
and[2, 4]
, and you will win any prize i that satisfies1 <= prizePositions[i] <= 3
or2 <= prizePositions[i] <= 4
- For example if
- Return the maximum number of prizes you can win if you choose the two segments optimally.
Example 1
Input: prizePositions = [1,1,2,2,3,3,5], k = 2
Output: 7
Explanation: In this example, you can win all 7 prizes by selecting two segments [1, 3] and [3, 5].
Example 2
Input: prizePositions = [1,2,3,4], k = 0
Output: 2
Explanation: For this example, one choice for the segments is [3, 3] and [4, 4], and you will be able to get 2 prizes.
Method 1
【O(n) time | O(n) space】
package Leetcode.SlideWindow.DynamicSlidingWindow;
* @author zhengxingxing
* @date 2025/01/24
public class MaximizeWinFromTwoSegments {
public static int maximizeWin(int[] prizePositions, int k) {
int n = prizePositions.length;
// dp[i] represents the maximum number of prizes that can be collected
// from the first `i` positions (0 to i-1) using one segment.
int[] dp = new int[n + 1];
// ans stores the final result, which is the maximum number of prizes
// that can be collected using two segments.
int ans = 0;
// j is the left pointer of the sliding window, representing the start
// of the current segment.
int j = 0;
// Traverse the array with the right pointer `i`.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Move the left pointer `j` to ensure the length of the current segment
// [j, i] does not exceed `k`. If the length exceeds `k`, move `j` to the right.
while (prizePositions[i] - prizePositions[j] > k) {
// Update dp[i + 1], which represents the maximum number of prizes
// that can be collected from the first `i + 1` positions (0 to i).
// There are two choices:
// 1. Do not select the current segment, and use the previous result dp[i].
// 2. Select the current segment [j, i], which contains `i - j + 1` prizes.
// We take the maximum of these two choices.
dp[i + 1] = Math.max(dp[i], i - j + 1);
// Update the final result `ans`. The total number of prizes is the sum of:
// 1. The number of prizes in the current segment [j, i], which is `i - j + 1`.
// 2. The maximum number of prizes that can be collected before position `j`,
// which is dp[j].
ans = Math.max(ans, i - j + 1 + dp[j]);
// Return the final result.
return ans;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Example 1
int[] prizePositions1 = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5};
int k1 = 2;
System.out.println(maximizeWin(prizePositions1, k1)); // Output: 7
// Example 2
int[] prizePositions2 = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int k2 = 0;
System.out.println(maximizeWin(prizePositions2, k2)); // Output: 2
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