2412. Minimum Money Required Before Transactions

  • You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array transactions, where transactions[i] = [costi, cashbacki].
  • The array describes transactions, where each transaction must be completed exactly once in some order. At any given moment, you have a certain amount of money. In order to complete transaction i, money >= costi must hold true. After performing a transaction, money becomes money - costi + cashbacki.
  • Return the minimum amount of money required before any transaction so that all of the transactions can be completed regardless of the order of the transactions.

Example 1

Input: transactions = [ [ 2,1],[5,0],[4,2 ] ]
Output: 10
Starting with money = 10, the transactions can be performed in any order.
It can be shown that starting with money < 10 will fail to complete all transactions in some order.

Example 2

Input: transactions = [ [ 3,0],[0,3 ] ]
Output: 3
- If transactions are in the order [ [ 3,0],[0,3 ] ], the minimum money required to complete the transactions is 3.
- If transactions are in the order [ [ 0,3],[3,0 ] ], the minimum money required to complete the transactions is 0.
Thus, starting with money = 3, the transactions can be performed in any order.

Method 1

【O(n) time | O(1) space】
package Leetcode.Greedy;

 * @author zhengxingxing
 * @date 2025/01/25
public class MinimumMoneyRequiredBeforeTransactions {

     * Calculate the minimum initial money required to complete all transactions
     * @param transactions 2D array where each inner array contains [cost, cashback]
     * @return long value representing the minimum initial money needed
     * Algorithm explanation:
     * 1. totalLose: Accumulates the total money lost from all losing transactions
     * 2. mx: Tracks the maximum of minimum starting money needed for any single transaction
     * 3. Final result = totalLose + mx
    public static long minimumMoney(int[][] transactions) {
        // Track the total money lost from all losing transactions
        long totalLose = 0;
        // Track the maximum of minimum starting money needed for any transaction
        int mx = 0;

        // Iterate through each transaction
        for (int[] transaction : transactions) {
            // Calculate and accumulate losses
            // If cost > cashback, add the difference to totalLose
            // If cost <= cashback, add 0 (no loss)
            totalLose += Math.max(transaction[0] - transaction[1], 0);

            // Calculate minimum starting money needed for this transaction
            // Why min?: Because we need at least the smaller of (cost, cashback)
            // to start this transaction at any point
            int minStart = Math.min(transaction[0], transaction[1]);

            // Update mx if current transaction needs more starting money
            // This ensures we have enough money to start the most demanding transaction
            mx = Math.max(mx, minStart);

        // Return total losses plus maximum starting money needed
        // This sum ensures we can complete all transactions in any order
        return totalLose + mx;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Test Case 1: Mixed transactions with losses
        System.out.println("=== Example 1 ===");
        int[][] transactions1 = { { 2,1}, {5,0}, {4,2 } };
        long result1 = minimumMoney(transactions1);
        System.out.println("Minimum initial money needed for Example 1: " + result1);

        // Test Case 2: Transactions with extreme cashback differences
        System.out.println("\n\n=== Example 2 ===");
        int[][] transactions2 = { { 3,0}, {0,3 } };
        long result2 = minimumMoney(transactions2);
        System.out.println("Minimum initial money needed for Example 2: " + result2);

        // Test Case 3: More complex transactions with varying profits/losses
        System.out.println("\n\n=== Example 3 ===");
        int[][] transactions3 = { { 10,4}, {5,8}, {6,7 } };
        long result3 = minimumMoney(transactions3);
        System.out.println("Minimum initial money needed for Example 3: " + result3);

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